- Jennings, another early slot machine manufacturer, was originally created to refurbish Mills machines. In the 1930s, Bally also began manufacturing slot machines and still does today. Because of similarities in design, the process of repairing old mechanical slots is similar among all brands.
- Rodney Dangerfield Jokes: Group 2 I was so ugly, my mother breast fed me through a straw. I was so ugly, when I was born, the doctor slapped my mother. I was so ugly, when I'd play in the sandbox, the cat would keep covering me up.
Welcome to Its a Slot Machine, there's a few surprising twists. This video is a comedy about what would happen if your slot machine could talk The slot machine is an 1986 IGT Series M 3 reel.
Some celebrities aren't just pretty faces. A few of them are also touched with that Yankee prowess for tinkering and invention. In this weekly series, we introduce you to the Patents of the Rich and Famous. And maybe you learn a little bit about how patent literature works along the way.
Inventor: Leo Gallagher a.k.a. Gallagher
Known For: He calls himself a comedian, but he's not exactly known for his stand-up. He's better known for his mallet-wielding abilities. He smashes food. And, people sure are captivated by it.
As seen in this clip, he not only smashes a mean watermelon, but he wrecks all sorts of fruity (and not-so-fruity) objects.
When he's not smashing melons, he must be gambling and/or playing video games. At least that's what his pending patent application would suggest.
Invented Apparatus: 'Electronic slot machine'
It's a lot like a regular slot machine: One puts in money, pulls a lever and hopes more money will come out. Repeat. But it's a tad less depressing:
The slot machine provides some of the traditional elements of a slot machine but with improved entertainment replacing the spinning reels. Scenes may depict objects that are moving toward a line, which is reminiscent of the line in the traditional slot machine, but in this case represents something physical with which the objects interact. For example, the objects could be birds that are falling/flying down onto a wire. In another example, the objects are freely falling onto the ground or floor. The scenes depict several possible outcomes of the interaction between the objects. Based up on the resulting outcomes (e.g. matching outcomes, like a traditional slot machine) the player wins or loses.
So Old Slot Machine Prunes Comedian Dies
Gallagher's invention is even better than a traditional slot machine, because captivating animations let you down more gently from your losses than still pictures of cherries and bandits. As possible animations, Gallagher suggests dancing birds and -- surprise! -- a watermelon getting demolished.